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深国交SLB简介 Introduction to the Student Leadership Body 来竞选吧

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About SLB

Student Leadership Body

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SLB全称Student Leadership Body/学生领导团队,是深国交官方的学生组织。每年,SCIE会从申请者中选出4-6名A2学生组成SELT(学生执行领导团队)。在SELT的带领下,SLB下分为9个部门,由每个部长/副部长带领学长团成员和部员彼此协作并负责举办SGT,House赛,万圣夜,校际比赛等校内校外的精彩活动与收集学生意见。




SLB(Student leadership body) is the official student leadership group at SCIE. Every year, the school will chose 4-6 A2 students forming the SELT(student executive leadership team). Led by the SELT, the SLB is split into 9 divisions and the chair/co-chair of each division will lead the prefects and members of each division to plan the exciting events such as SGT, House competitions, Halloween nights, inter-school competitions and so on.

SELT’s responsibility: Managing the subordinate divisions and ensuring corporations across divisions. Meeting regularly with the school to reflect on SLB/student’s opinions and feedbacks towards the school.

Chair/co-chairs’ responsibility: Leading their divisions to complete tasks such as organizing activities or planning competitions.

Prefects/members: Completing tasks in their tasks set by their division, in some divisions the prefects might also be responsible to led minor groups/departments within the divisions. 




Communication & Media


What do we do


We are the professional media department at SCIE and work closely with the school and the admission office. We aim to provide quality media supports to students and teachers. Our daily routine mostly relates with the events at SCIE such as producing videos and photography, writing articles and streaming for activities, We normally communicate with other divisions 1-2 weeks prior to the events and ensure the details. This year, we have been responsible for providing photography and media services for multiple events such as the SGT, SCIE TED talks, Halloween night, Arts week.

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我们在SCIE TED 讲话期间与招生办合作为现场提供了媒体覆盖,包括了演讲片段的录制和现场照片的拍摄

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Our difficulties 


The most difficult part in our job is always about coming up with new ideas. Organizing between different departments could also be challenging so we need to make sufficient preparation on equipment, planning and allocations.


For new members


We want creative people. We need people who are original and willing to demonstrate their passion and innovation in the job. At the same time, we hope that you could devote yourself in creating and participating in the division.

ECA division



Work routine

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为了激励部门内的活动创新及执行力,ECA Division internal structure 于2022-2023 学年正式提出和建立,将ECA Division划分为两个有各自职责的departments,每个department分别由2位prefects负责管理。

在需要大量人手的活动中,例如ECA Fair,整个ECA Division会一起协同完成,由Chair分配任务至prefects,prefects负责带领自己department的members落实工作。

需要相对少人数的活动,例如ECA Tweet(Platform负责的活动)和write ECA related Policies(Regulation负责的动火),由一个department完全负责。Prefects和Chair沟通计划后,分配任务至自己负责的department members并对此活动全程负责。

ECA Division在学期初由Chair在上任时propose general year plan,包括每年的传统活动以及新的活动想法。在prefects竞选结束后加入year plan中加入prefects的想法形成本年的最终部门计划。Chair在Teachers&SELT讨论敲定后在一年的工作中落实。但这并不意味着只能做仅限于year plan内的工作,由members,prefects,chair提出的新活动想法都会被讨论并最终决定是否可以发展为可正式落实的活动。

In order to stimulate activity innovation and execution within the department, ECA Division internal structure was formally proposed and established in the 2022-2023 academic year, dividing ECA Division into two departments with respective responsibilities. Each department is managed by two prefects. 

In an event that requires a large number of human resources, such as ECA Fair, the whole ECA Division will work together to complete the task, from the Chair to the prefects, who is responsible for guiding members of his or her department to implement the work. 

Activities that require relatively small numbers of people, such as ECA Tweets (activities for which Platform is responsible) and write ECA related Policies (activities for which Regulation is responsible), are fully covered by one department. Prefects and Chair communicate the plan, assign tasks to the department members responsible for the activity and take full responsibility for it. 

ECA Division Chair proposes general year plan at the beginning of the term, including traditional activities for each year as well as ideas for new activities. prefects' ideas for inclusion in the year plan after the prefects' campaign form the final departmental plan for the year. Chair was finalised in Teachers&SELT after a year of work. However, this does not mean that work is limited to the year plan. Ideas for new activities proposed by members, prefects, and chairs are discussed and decided whether they can be developed into formal activities. 


Common difficulties at work

Chair - 作为一个统筹部门方向和确保部门进度的角色,我个人认为Chair最重要需要思考也最有挑战的两件事情第一件是对ECA Division在本年运营成什么样要做哪些活动分别达到什么效果有一个明确的目标。第二件事是选对prefects,建立一个有责任心,积极,有领导力的prefects团队。在这两件事完成之后在一年的工作中哪怕遇到一些突发情况比如ECA Fair的延迟,在chair & prefects team都一起想办法,prefects有能力带领好各自department members的情况下都有一个有效的处理。

As a coordinator of the direction of the department and a coordinator of the progress of the department, I personally think the most important thing for Chair to think about and the most challenging two things. The first thing is to have a clear goal for the operation of ECA Division in this year, which activities to do and which results to achieve. The second thing is to choose the right prefects, to build a team that is responsible, motivated and has leadership. When these two things are done, if there is an unexpected situation in the course of a year, such as a delay in the ECA Fair, the chair and prefects team work together, at which point the prefects team has the ability to guide the members of their respective departments. 

Prefects- 作为department的带领者需对department内的工作负责。需要确保department members在活动中在岗位上,在人员不够调动的时候需承担起更多的工作确保进度不会滞后。

As the leader of the department, you are responsible for the work of the department. We need to make sure that department members are in their positions during activities and that they are taking on more work when they are not moving around enough to make sure that progress is not lagging behind. 


Advices for new members

NewMembers - 多多参与ECA Division的各项活动,在参与的过程中不只是做事且要观察ECA Division的运营有哪些不足,哪些做的好的地方。有新的想法大胆的和Prefects&Chair去讨论, ECA Division always welcomes to new ideas that benefit the SCIE ECA Community。

Participate in ECA Division's activities more. In the process of participation, they should not only do things, but also observe the shortcomings of ECA Division's operation and what they do well. With new ideas bold and Prefects&Chair to discuss, the ECA Division always welcomes to new ideas that benefit the SCIE ECA Community. 

NewPrefects - Be corporative,和同department的prefect间一定要有明确的分工一起带领好members,积极和Chair交流自己的想法。Show your leadership,运营好自己负责的department确保良好的工作进度及氛围。

Be corporative, there must be a clear division of labor between prefect and the prefect in the department to lead the best members, and actively communicate with the Chair about their ideas. Show your leadership and operate your department to ensure a good working schedule and atmosphere. 

NewChair - 想清楚本年ECA Division需要达成的目标并坚定的落实。选对prefects,建立一个有责任心,积极,领导力的prefects team。Open to discussion of new ideas,不管是来自自己,prefects还是members。

Think clearly and firmly about what the ECA Division needs to achieve this year. Choose the prefects, and establish a responsible, positive, and leading team. Be Open to discussion of new ideas, whether from yourself, prefects or members. 

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The daily work routine of Events Division involves coordinating and planning events and activities, such as SGT, Halloween, and NYC. This may include tasks such as securing venues, arranging for equipment and supplies, arranging for refreshments, and coordinating with performers. You may also be responsible for promoting the events to students and the school community, and sometimes working with a team of volunteers to ensure that the events run smoothly.

Some common difficulties you may face include dealing with unexpected issues, such as last-minute cancellations or weather-related problems. You may also face challenges in working with a team of volunteers, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working together effectively. Additionally, you may face difficulties in securing the resources you need to successfully execute the events, such as budget constraints, limited availability of equipment, or limited volunteer support.


Advices for 

new SELT/Chair/Deputy Chair



Communicate regularly with your team and supervisor, to ensure that everyone is on the same page and aware of their responsibilities.



Be proactive and plan ahead, anticipating potential problems and developing contingency plans to address them.



Foster a positive and collaborative team dynamic, by encouraging open communication, recognising, and rewarding the efforts of prefects and members, and ensuring that everyone is working together towards a common goal.



Stay organized, using tools such as calendars, task lists, and project management software to track progress and stay on top of deadlines.



Be willing to compromise and find a mutual agreeable solution when you have disagreement with the school. 

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House division

house division


Daily routine

House Division由Chair和Deputy Chair带领Prefects & 部员主持House赛的日常运作。House Division分为Games, Regulations, Service & Inspection四个部门(Departments)。每个部门由各自prefects负责,与部员一起完成任务。


House Division的Chair和Deputy Chair需要组织和分配各部门工作内容,制定学期/学年计划,与校方及House Captains密切沟通。

Chair and Deputy Chair will be leading the prefects and members in House Division to ensure the running of House events and competitions. We have four department and they are: Games, Regulations, Service and Inspection. Every departments are led by perfects and it’s members.

The Games department will be responsible for planning the games and it’s rules, hiring the judges as well as counting in points for each house. The regulation department will be in charge of ensuring the running of the games as well as guiding the players. The service department will be taking photos, advertisement and doing statistics on the results while the inspection department will be checking the attendees of each game as well as assisting other departments.


Possible difficulties 

House Division日常工作中存在的困难包括但不限于:与house cap等多方沟通,处理突发赛程变动,长期维持工作态度和质量,以及调和各类冲突。House Division需要长期、稳定、且冷静地处理学年中可能出现的大小问题。

Our common challenges include organizing and communications between different house captains, dealing with unexpected changes and resolving conflicts between different groups. We need to be calm while stable throughout the year when handling the problems. 


Advices for new members

House Division的baseline duty是维护SCIE House Competition的正常运营,需要学生领导长期坚守岗位。在此基础上,House Division的成员可以在工作过程中对自己的执行力、问题分析能力、沟通能力和协调组织能力进行不断磨炼,以最大限度结合各方需求,专注于为观众、参赛选手、部员和学校呈现最好的House赛。

House Division需要有想法、有能力、和有热情的同学加入。我们希望这份职责不仅只是一段活动描述,更是一次挑战、一次为自己所在意所热爱的事物的真切付出的机会、一段有意义的旅途。

Our baseline duty is to ensure the normal operation of House competitions in SCIE. We need our student leaders to be responsible in their jobs throughout the year. You will have the chance to practice and improve on your leadership, executive force, communication and analytical ability. We need to combine the need of multiple parties and strive to present the best experiences for our audiences, players and everyone in the school in House competitions. 

We need you to be enthusiastic, capable and original. We hope this experiences would not only valuable to your CV, but also a chance to devote yourself into something you’d really love and a meaningful journey. 

We need you. 

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2022-2023 House Division全员合照

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22-23 Service Department合照

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22-23 Games Department合照

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22-23 Regulations Department合照

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22-23 Inspection合照

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22-23 House Division Leadership合照

Peer support division

Peer support division

Peer Support部门会在每年10月组织心理健康周,并筹备开展多个项目,以同辈身份在学术及心理方面帮助同伴。在8月初完成项目头脑风暴及全年项目规划后,部门成员将会一同按部就班推进各个项目。在推进项目的过程中,我们需要较多的与合作社团及校方沟通相关事宜,如活动时间,活动方式等。同时,部门的prefects也需要领导部门members推进项目。如果你希望加入Peer Support,我们期望你是一位对帮助同伴怀抱着热情与想法的人~

The Peer Support division hosts the SCIE Mental Health Week every October and initiates programs to support peers mentally and academically. We start project brainstorming and project planning in August and work together to realize every program step by step. While we promoting the project, we need massive communication with the school and clubs about relevant matters, such as the time and way of activities. At the same time, our prefects also lead our division members to advance the project. If you wish to join the Peer Support division, we expect you to be the one who is passionate about helping your peers!

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Residential division

Residential division


Daily routine

策划、筹办、举行各种住宿生活动,如movie night、sports weekend、BBQ。

Planning and hosting events for residential students such as Movie nights, Sports Weekend, BBQ


Collecting and reflecting on the problems which are encountered by residents.


Possible difficulties 


Balancing the interests between the student and school. Effective time management to ensure the activities are running well.


Advices for new members


We are a welcoming Division to anyone interested, please come and join us!

Service learning division

Service learning division


Daily routine

积极与校外慈善组织沟通并建立长期联系,在SCIE内统筹并举办慈善与社区服务活动。我们的工作可以分成三个部分,主要为活动,宣传与统筹。 我们日常的工作任务有:计划活动,撰写提案,与老师沟通开会,设立场地,财务,采购,写稿以及公共关系。

organize charity events and community service in and out of SCIE, while maintaining long-term public relations with charity organizations and NGOs. Our tasks can be categorized into three parts, i.e. events, publicity and secretary. Usually, our work includes planning for activities, writing proposals, meetings with teachers, setting up venues, financial management, purchasing, article-writing and public relations.


Possible difficulties 


the width of charity events means lots of communication work; this means that SL is very demanding of members’ communication skills and creative thinking abilities. Also, as our division has a lot of work on proposals and WeChat official account articles, we value the importance of writing and formatting them—these skills will be taken into consideration in our selective process.


Advices for new members


we very much hope that our new members will be people with love, devotion and care for community service and those underprivileged people (especially children) we are helping. There are many activities every year for SL, including charity art festival, charity walk, children’s rights day, penpal Shenzhen, charity week and so on. The work takes a lot of effort, so a fruitful year of work requires our members to have great passion and dedication.

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Sports division

Sports division


Daily routine

Sports Division分为赛事部和宣传部,赛事部即负责校际赛事的工作人员安排,其中包括边裁,计分员,摄影师等,协助比赛的进行,统计比赛的结果与采访球员。以及非上课时间的体育馆设施的使用管理。宣传部即负责校际赛事前的比赛介绍与比赛总结的公众号推文,比赛视频剪辑以及校内赛事的报名工作。

The Sports Division is divided into the event department and the propaganda department. The event department is responsible for the staff arrangement of inter-school events, including line judges, scorekeepers, photographers, etc., assisting in the progress of the game, counting the results of the game and interviewing players. And the management of the use of gymnasium facilities during non-school hours. The Propaganda Department is responsible for the introduction of the competition before the inter-school competition, the official account tweets of the competition summary, the video editing of the competition, and the registration of the school competition.


Possible difficulties 


There are equipment problems in the stadium, the socket is very easy to loose, and the link with the scoreboard is sometimes disconnected during the game. Some members are not motivated enough to give effective help to the department. The mobility of personnel is high, and it is necessary to ensure the presence of staff at any time during the game. Frequent communication with the teachers of the sports group, including the schedule and personnel requirements, whether the gymnasium needs to supervise the presence of teachers. The standard use of students in the gymnasium on weekends during non-school hours, such as: whether any used equipment is returned to its original location, and whether the garbage generated by oneself is disposed of before leaving.


Advices for new members


Please actively cooperate with the physical education teachers to ensure the successful progress of the event. At the same time, do a good job in communication with department personnel, and make preparations in advance before each competition. We can communicate more with the school team members to understand the participants' views on our work and their needs, so as to improve our work. Next year, the planning department will be added. The planning department will organize intramural competitions. Different from school team competitions, this department is committed to encouraging ordinary students to participate in sports, so that students who have not participated in the school team can have the opportunity to compete. The successful competition held this year is the volleyball carnival, and the 24-hour basketball competition is under preparation. All the intramural competitions that have been held so far are jointly completed by some members of the competition department and the publicity department. We hope that new members will actively participate.


student council




Hi! We are SCIE Student Council, a “by student, for student” family that is dedicated to enhancing students’ voices and improving the quality of school life. We serve as the official bridge between students and school, where we put forth students’ concerns to the school and try to make agreements on solving them. Our jobs primarily include discussing new policies, reporting relevant issues to the corresponding school departments, and running the online petition system. We listen, comprehend, and make each student’s opinion matter as well as bring it to life.

As members of the student council, we often face many difficulties and challenges. The nature of our division is to assist students in improving their life inside the school, but sometimes, the school may have a very different perspective. Hence, we need to act objectively to balance between school and students and help the two parties to both receive the optimum result. Moreover, the student council often holds activities and meetings, which require each of them to have very specific rubrics, and guidelines. Therefore, it might be time-consuming to prepare for each activity and meeting plan. 

Thus, for students who are interested in joining the student council, it would be a perfect fit if you are a student who is passionate about changing our school into a better place and a responsible and detailed person in working and studying. We sincerely look forward to having more students join the family of the student council!

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本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SCIE Prefect 2023



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