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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)

18651 人参与  2022年09月16日 08:54  分类 : 学在深国交  评论


社团展 第一弹

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第1张



Extracurricular Community Activities(ECA) are essential elements for you as a student in SCIE. These activities help you develop teamwork, leadership and sense of responsibility skills. There will be more than 200 clubs in SCIE, and they will wait for you at the ECA fair.

This article is an introduction to different clubs in the Academic, Business and Science&Technology area, and there will be two more in the following days. Now let's take a look!

学术竞赛类 Academic


[ 哲学社 ]

Think! Philosophy Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第2张

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第3张

社团介绍 Intro






The Think! Philosophy Club aims to introduce members to philosophical inquiry and support the development of relevant critical skills for humanity's studying. Other than traditional philosophical contemplation, the club also extends its focus to other subjects, like politics, sociology, psychology, physics, etc. It demonstrates the applicability of the philosophical thinking mindset and the interconnection between various disciplines. 


[ 合成生物学社 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第4张

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第5张

社团介绍 Intro



Our ECA provides a chance for anyone who is interested in synthetic biology to come in and study. At the end of the first semester, we will recruit new iGEM members for the Greatbay_SCIE team of the real iGEM competition.


[ 自然社 ]

Nature History Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第6张

社团介绍 Intro


我们会用尽量通俗且生动的形式帮大家拓展一些beyond syllabus的知识,希望可以帮同学们的打开思维,了解更多生物学的不同领域以做到更灵活,更有多样性的思考。同时我们也会组织一些有趣的实验,比如 提取菠萝/草莓的DNA 等等。所以含金量是一定有保障的!欢迎各位想申请生物有关专业的或者对生物感兴趣的同学加入我们自然社!

The Nature History Club is an eight-year old academic ECA. Students who are interested in biological science and other natural sciences meet up once a week to explore topics beyond textbook’s level in depth.


[ 语言学社 ]

 Linguistics Club 

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第7张

社团介绍 Intro




Linguistics club is to share linguistics knowledge, various language and help students who want to participate in Olympiad Linguistic competition every year.


[ 生物竞赛社 ]

Biology Olympiad Club

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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第9张

社团介绍 Intro


虽然是竞赛社团,BOC绝对不冷酷吓人!比起奖杯和金牌BOC更单纯而真诚的希望,所有人在这里学到的东西可以对他们来说是一份宝贵的收获,一些永远可以受益匪浅的知识!P.S. 想要了解更多可以关注我们的公众号:深国交生物竞赛社。

As an ECA dedicated to the preparation of biological competitions (Class B), BOC mainly focuses on the teaching of extensive knowledge related to biology Olympiads such as BBO and USABO, and other relevant contents. We offer opportunities to SCIErs who want to improve their academic abilities and acquire higher achievements in later competitions. Furthermore, as the construction of the SCIE bio lab is ongoing, we will introduce more biological experiments in the next semester, to improve their practical skills and reach a better comprehension of this fascinating subject.


[ 数学发烧友 ]

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社团介绍 Intro





Philomath is an ECA aiming to help provide a platform for Maths lovers to extend their knowledge in Maths and provide some extra help for students who struggle with the Math contents in school, for example, P1, P3, S1, and M1. We welcome everyone from G1 to A2 to join us, and there are no requirements for joining Philomath.


[ 算法社 ]

Algorithm Design and Optimization

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第11张

社团介绍 Intro

我们是深国交算法竞赛社ADO (Algorithm Design and Optimization),在国交成立的第三年,专注于计算机科学中算法与数据结构的学习。享受算法的乐趣的同时,可以参加各类计算机奥林匹克竞赛,为升学提供极高含金量的帮助。


Our ECA is aiming to let more people know and learn more about algorithms that are interested in learning mathematics and programming, also this is a platform to people that are interested in this area to share their idea of solving problems and learn more from each others. 

Algorithm is a special branch in programming, a strong problem solving skill is needed and in this ECA, every one can improve their skills together and have a improve on ability in mathematics and programming.  


[ 生物化学学习交流社 ]

Biology and Chemistry Fever Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第12张

社团介绍 Intro

创立BCF 的初衷是希望更多热爱biochem的伙伴们能拥有一个互相交流的平台,在课内知识的基础上进行拓展和延伸,从而逐渐形成扎实并且全面的生物化学知识体系。不仅是为了在课内课外都取得更加优秀的学术成绩,更是为你的热爱铺路。


Hi!!! This is SCIE Biochem Fever Club - a group of A1 SCIEers who are crazy about biology and chemistry. Our aim of funding this club is to build up a platform for more friends to communicate. Based on what we have learned at school about biology and chemistry, we would like to extend and expand knowledge, therefore helping you gradually form a comprehensive system in biochem learning. 


[ 全美经济学挑战赛社团 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第13张

社团介绍 Intro

一提起NEC,不知道大家有没有想到的是National Economics Challenge. 对,正是全美经济学挑战赛。

这是经济爱好者的天堂;是经济学家的摇篮;是经济学专业的牵线人。来吧,未来想学经济学的你或是还没有想好学什么的你,来我们SCIE NEC HUB,学习硬核经济知识(我们会有老师每周讲解经济学知识的,用曼昆的经济学原理当教材),更有机会选入校队,代表学校出战!

Our society is about teaching students the economics concepts and making them fully prepared to join the NEC. We will carry out regular lecture to inform the students with the most up-to-date world economics information and explain the newest problems of the competition.


[ 美国学术十项全能社 ]

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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第15张

社团介绍 Intro

Hi 大家好!这里是United States Academic Decathlon (简称USAD)! 中文全称为美国学术十项全能竞赛,检测学生在数学、经济、自然科学、社会科学、音乐、艺术、文学、写作、面试、演讲10个不同的学术范畴的认知

USAD作为美国首屈一指的高中生综合学术竞赛平台,迄今已经拥有53年历史。我们国交的USAD社是USAD组委会官方认知的社团,我们社团的成员将会一起代表学校,参加即将到来的2022 USAD中国赛和明年四月份的全球赛。

SCIE USAD (United States Academic Decathlon) club will provide a platform for students to join the annual global USAD competition as teams. Students go through the preparatory stage together during club meetings and will discuss competition materials as a group. We aim to represent SCIE and participate in USAD China and, if eligible, go into USAD Finals. 

Our club's result from last year's participation in USAD National was outstanding - we can't wait for more people to join and take on this precious opportunity that will bound to be fruitful! 


[ 理论物理社 ]

Theoretical Physics Club

社团介绍 Intro

我们是深国交的TPC理论物理社(Theoretical Physics Club),专注于对于物理方向进行一个更加有趣,更加深入的探索社团希望给喜欢物理,热爱物理,希望在物理上有更深入的研究学习的同学提供一个接触比课内物理更有趣,更有挑战,更有深度的物理的机会。并且希望能够为物理爱好者提供一个学习,交流的平台



Theoretical Physics Club is aiming to help students that are passionate about physics learning physics out of school curriculum. We will hold a hour of club meeting each week to teach club members physics. The club is for all students that are interested in physics. No matter you are a beginner or have already reach a high level, you can find this club helpful for your learning.


[ 化学竞赛社 ]

Chemistry Curiosity Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第16张

社团介绍 Intro


Chemistry Curiosity Club, CCC, 是国交历史最悠久的纯化学社团,旨在为所有喜爱化学的同学提供一个学术交流和干货分享的平台!我们的初级课堂主要面向希望探索化学方向兴趣的同学,将会从IG课本开始,逐步建立一个对整个化学领域的,广泛的认识,并最终能让同学们从一个更高的角度,俯视书本上的结论。高级课堂将会系统性的讲解Alevel到竞赛难度(ukcho) 的化学知识,给各位大佬们一个交流讨论的空间。


Chemistry Curiosity Club, CCC, is a group of inquisitive, diligent and ebullient students who enjoys sharing their unique understanding of chemistry and its applications broad and wide. 

In addition to theory lessons, practical lessons with experiments outside the syllabus will take place once or twice each semester. We invite Oxbridge students at the end of the year to share their precious application experience.


[ 植物社 ]

Botany Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第17张

社团介绍 Intro

深国交植物社Botany Club作为2016年水围校区植物社的精神继承者,我们社团的主要目标是寻找具有相同爱好的同学,可以坐在一起讨论植物相关的知识。社团的内容并不是很学术;实际上,只要是对植物和生态感兴趣的同学都可以加入。


We discuss and share with our ECA members a variety of fascinating facts and information about plants, holding discussions at the same time. We also aim to raise the interests of our schoolmates on plants, as well as their social responsibility on protecting the natural environment. Apart from this, we will also arrange some gardening activities. 


[ 大学数学社 ]

Undergraduate Mathematics

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第18张

社团介绍 Intro



* 带领社员们从接触到熟练解决step历年真题

* 从step知识点拓展到大的topic(number theory, differential equations, linear algebra, group theory)

* 介绍大学数学内容

* 分享课外资源




The main focus would be STEP, which is the mathematics admission test for Cambridge University. In addition to the goal of helping members achieving high scores in the test, STEP questions are challenging and requires high-intensity knowledge application, which is beneficial for members to build up their maths skill. Besides, competition and undergrduate knowledge is also covered, with the aim to broaden the vision of members and deepen the understnding on what they've learnt.


[ 深国交日学圈 ]

Daily Study Club

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社团介绍 Intro



加入我们不但可以锻炼自己的表达能力,也可以同时巩固基本的学科知识,在向别人分享的同时,养成以更严格的方式要求自己的好习惯。还可以有cs hour(上学期社团帮助所有社员均申请到了义工时),美食party,获得课内学习笔记以及年级前三学长学姐的考试等多重福利。

Our ECA is to encourage students to produce articles base on the knowledge they have acquired in school. We also extended our activity to sharing some experience on various competitions to benefit scie student.


[ SEG科学社 ]

Science Education for Girls club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第21张

社团介绍 Intro


虽然我们社团的理念是为女生学习STEM课程提供更多的机会和支持,但我们并不排斥男生参与到社活中并一起学习,因为我们一直鼓励exchange of ideas,并坚信科学领域的发展需要大家的共同努力。同时,我们也非常欢迎社员就自己感兴趣的专业话题进行授课。


Science Education for Girls is a lecture-based ECA where a group of enthusiastic students can communicate in the are of science. Our lectures in the past included a wide range of topics such as endocrine system and hormones, mental health, chemical bondings, fluid dynamics, calculus etc. We welcome members to deliver lectures on their specialized topics of interest as well, as teaching can also helps the lecturer to understand. 


[ 留学圈 ]

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第22张

社团介绍 Intro

ChannelKay于2014年成立,是粤港澳大湾区非常有影响力的留学生自媒体,拥有超过6万的留学生及家长粉丝。我们引入了“Channel Kay留学圈”的概念,持续通过线下以及线上的分享,给广大留学生及其家长提供一个信息平台,并促进彼此间交流。



ChannelKay is for students to enjoy communication with different year groups, helping students by inviting higher-year-groups and university students from SCIE and across China to do experience sharing in club. We will record some interviews or create podcasts to share meaningful experience.


[ 社会学工坊 ]

Sociology Workshop

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第23张深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第24张

社团介绍 Intro


我们着重想为大家介绍、分享当代著名社会学家的理论,用浅显易懂、全员讨论的方式传播知识,同时也无需担心有过重的学业要求与基础,我们会尽量用最简单但深入的方法讨论一些观点,并结合社会热点、实事等,帮助大家更立体地理解。如果你对自己和周遭的联系有兴趣,如果你想像一个社会学者一样批判性地思考,this is the place for you.

Our club aim to introduce and disseminate the contemporary sociological concepts from famous sociologists, in a plain and classmate-centered way. It doesn’t matter whether you have some basic knowledge or not, we will try out best to discuss the opinions most intelligibly and meanwhile, in depth. We also plan to make use of recent social issues and fad, to facilitate the understanding of specific concepts.


[ 欧拉计划社 ]

Project Euler Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第25张

社团介绍 Intro



The ECA will be focusing on solving the computational problems in the website called Project Euler (which is named after Leonhard Euler). The problems in the website are intended to be solved with computer programs based on mathematics methods. 

Thus, this ECA is open for the students who are interested in mathematics and computer science. The website includes over 700 problems and it is notable and popular because it has more than 1,000,000 users. In this ECA, the leader will be explaining some advanced algorithms in order to solve certain problems in the website. 

金融商务类 Business


[ 商务实践社]

Business Practice Club

深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第26张



深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第27张

图片2-2011-2021 10届商赛现场照片

社团介绍 Intro






每当万圣节来临,BPC会扮演浪漫的传信者,以数以千计的玫瑰花和明信片传递国交同学的友情和爱意。作为BPC的一员,你将会联络购买玫瑰花,亲自洽谈、 定价、帮助售

与企业接洽合作/ 商业谈判 / 活动策划 / 赛制书写 / 带领团队 / 养花 / 平面设计 / 文案背后的逻辑 / 演讲-号召力 / 通宵不困法 / 市场研究 / 创业项目 / 投资眼光 / 华尔兹不踩脚...........

Members of BPC organize the Business Practice Competition each year, which involves various tasks ranging from designing the competition rules to negotiating with sponsors and partners. At BPC’s business competitions, participants will solve a problem in real life by generating a business idea as entrepreneurs. The winning group selected in the final will receive BPC’s investment as the initial capital for their business, projecting the vision from their business proposal into the real-world marketplace. Apart from that, BPC has also initiated the rose selling at SCIE Halloween Night, organized academic lectures, and provided visiting tours to businesses like Tencent and HSBC.


[ 全球社会领袖 ]

Stands for Global Social Leadership

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社团介绍 Intro

GSL 是全球社会领袖Global Social Leaders的简称我们参与GSL Global Goals Competition全球目标竞赛,从联合国十七个可持续发展目标出发,以组形式进行头脑风暴、项目设计、社会调查等环节,最终将具有社会影响力的项目落地实施。


The Global Social Leaders is a competition addressing the UN "17 Global Goal for Sustainable Development", aiming to develop students' understanding of global citizenship and to turn their ideas into reality. Students could register around September in unit of group consist of 3-7 members, carry out plans contributing to chosen related topics, and apply a formal report around May in the coming year to compete with project groups from hundreds of countries around the world.

SCIE GSL is looking forward to develop the completed works in more wide and thorough aspects, and to explore new ideas to get students involved in the global goals.


[ 经济投资社 ]

Economic Investment Club

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社团介绍 Intro



EIC is an association for students who love economics. We regularly hold various activities related to economic theory, such as members of the association sharing extracurricular knowledge, forming teams to participate in economic competitions, etc. Also, in previous years, we have successfully held several business competitions and lectures, which have received many good feedback.


[ 深国交金融社 ]

SCIE Finance Club

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深国交2022年新学期社团招新第一弹 ECA Clubs(1)  深国交 深圳国际交流学院 学在国交 第35张

社团介绍 Intro

深国交金融社 / SCIE Finance Club (SFC) 曾荣获 2015 和 2017 年度“全国十佳财经类社团” 与 2019 年“商赛人”湾区十佳社团及三星级社团。社团担任 SUCC 深国交财经类社团联盟商赛主办社团、深圳市财经类社团联盟常任主席。

多年的发展为金融社沉淀了遍布全国的资源网络,合作组织与活动分布在珠三角「广深珠」、长三角「沪苏杭」、 京津冀和华中经济重镇「湘武渝」;我们的合作方不仅包括著名的学生社团,也包括多家世界闻名的企业,包括汇丰银行、渣打银行、中信银行、腾讯、普华永道等;而累计 8000+ 的历届选手资源更是我们宝贵的发展基础。


To acheieve the goal of  charitable economics, and cooperates with other charity clubs to boost the innovation. And we are aimed to further develop the idea of helping students in both academic and practical financial skills, by operating more activities like providing opportunities of banks internship and holding academic lectures. 

Moreover, this year we are trying to innovate more engaging competition that relates to more subjects (social science and pure science) which could get more students involved within and out of the campus, and helping students to see and learn finance in various perspectives.



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