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京领2022中国公办大学国际化学科特色排行榜  数据 第1张















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English Version

As an advanced and high-end platform of international educational recourses and servicesKingLead is a promoter of international school ranking evaluation, brand media, and scientific research education. KingLead has published the list of China universities on the level of internationalization since 2018. KingLead has been conducting continuous and in-depth research and analysis on the internationalization of private universities in China. KingLead is committed to optimizing evaluation standards of China universities, facilitating industrial upgrading, and aiming to enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese universities and promote the cultivation of international innovative talents.

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KingLead has established a systematic professional school evaluation system. It has established four evaluation vectors based on a diversified variety of dimensions such as international education, international scientific research, international cooperation, and international awards. Its professionalism has gained recognition from many university principals and educational practitioners, with a wide range of social influence.

By holding Global Academician Forum, Nobel Prize Innovation Forum, and Innovative Talent Forum, Kinglead continuously promotes the cultivation of internationalized innovative talents.

The evaluation system of KingLead Ranking Series has been highly recognized by the chaired professors from Harvard University, University of Oxford and University of Cambridge, as well as several Nobel Laureates. These experts and scholars in the field of international education and innovation in universities have fully affirmed the scientific and social value of the KingLead Ranking. They also put forward their own perspectives on international education, innovative education and the cultivation of scientific research talents.

The following is a selection of the highlights of the speeches. 

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to view both Chinese and English)

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Being curious about something is the very best motivation for making sure that you do your best work. In fact, part of the fun of doing research is asking yourself really difficult questions that it's like solving a puzzle. The more challenging, the more rewarding is the solution when you finally discover it.

——Nobel laureate in Economy

University Professor, Harvard University; Fellow of National Academy of Sciences; Fellow of American Academy of Arts & Sciences




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I hope you've gotten a flavor for the passion that we bring to these problems, understanding how things work at a fundamental level. And I hope you now can challenge yourself to be excited about that in your future as well.

——Nobel laureate in Physiology or Medicine; Fellow of National Academy of Sciences; Fellow of American Academy of Arts & Sciences




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To me, one of the fundamental ingredients of being able to move ahead in life is to be curious and not just be curious, but try to figure out how you can satisfy that curiosity.

——Nobel laureate in Physics

Linde Professor of Physics, emeritus at California Institute of Technology; Fellow of National Academy of Sciences; Fellow of American Academy of Arts & Sciences





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The other thing about research is that,it helps you to train your mind to think in a very objective way. That's the kind of attribute that top universities are looking for around the world. If however, you can demonstrate you have an interesting research, and you can describe a piece of research you've done, and you can communicate the results of that research effectively,during the process of applying for study in top universities, that will significantly help your application. Because she will be able to demonstrate those universities that you have a critical mind, and an aptitude to think technically within your subject, and to demonstrate that by a research vehicle.

——Professor, University of Cambridge; Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering; Former head of the Department of Engineering




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Research is hard work, I would say that. The single most difficult thing I ever did ever as long time ago, was writing my PhD thesis. Because I was not used to the demands of the discipline of academic research, involving standards for choosing topics, gathering information and interpreting data. So be prepared for, to be hard. but also be prepared for, to be fun.

——Chaired Professor, Harvard University; Fellow of National Academy of Public Administration





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I think that the most important research skill is to think out of a box. This means to have a creative perspectives to look at a problem. This means that details are important. because it is a way to get more insights, but the details should be also put together to get the whole image of a certain process, a certain phenomenon, the data you wanted to consider in your research.

——Professor, University of Cambridge; World-level expert on Artificial Intelligence; Member of the Academia Europea




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In recent years, it's become very exciting what's happening in China. In that many of the top researchers now in my field are Chinese. In 2019, I was General chair of an CBPR, which is the one of the biggest conferences on computer vision. It was a real pleasure for me to see that many, many of the attendees were from China. And in fact, I'm not only whether they are attendees, but actually. Out of the submitted papers and accepted papers, China actually dominated and is very leading in this area now.

——Professor, University of Oxford; Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering




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It is a good opportunity for you to share a passion for research. To look for what really interest you and to think of ways to engage with difficult problems and to try to solve them. Solving easy problems does not give much enjoyment. But solving difficult problems is very satisfying.

——Professor, University of Oxford; Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences; Order of the British Empire




On April 17, 2022, "2022 KingLead China Private University International Subject Features Top 30" was officially released. KingLead has been publishing the China Universities Internationalization Ranking Series for years.


Research Objects

China public universities


Assessment Method

This ranking is jointly reviewed by experts from the KingLead Research Institute, and is produced and published by KingLead. The List is based on objective materials.


Six Themed Subject

Features TOP 30

The ranking consists of six themed subject features -- "Liberal Arts", "Science and Technology", "Business", "Artificial Intelligence", "Medicine and Health" and "Arts". Each ranking highlights a theme and identifies top 30 universities with their own characteristics.


2022 KingLead China Public Universities International Subject Features TOP 30


China Public Universities Internationalization

in Liberal Arts TOP 30

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Liberal Arts mainly includes philosophy, education, history, and law. It focuses on the cultivation of humanistic literacy, including intellectual curiosity, creativity, empathy, critical thinking, and writing skills, which are qualities that maintain a competitive advantage in an era of rapid technological progress. With the development of economy, people's demand for cultural and creative products has shown a clear upward trend, and the demand for talents in liberal arts is increasing. With the development of society and the need for enterprise talents, the setting of liberal arts in colleges and universities is gradually inclined to the selection and training of compound liberal arts talents, and the liberal arts field are gradually cross-integrated with other disciplines, and becoming the characteristics of various colleges and universities.


China Public Universities Internationalization

in Science and Technology TOP 30

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Science and Technology basically includes mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, material learns, engineering and so on. With the acceleration of the nation’s modernization process, the electronics, biology, logistics of the traditional or emerging professional directions are rising rapidly. Through the training of scientific and technological thinking, many university students have grown into engineers and scientists, contributing to the industrialization and modernization of the nation.


China Public Universities Internationalization

in Business TOP 30

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Business covers a wide range and involves many majors. Universities subdivide the major according to its own talent training situation, basically represented by the four majors, finance, accounting, management, and economics. At present, the society and enterprises have a greater demand for professional business talents with market awareness, innovative spirit and strong practical ability. Colleges and universities have actively moved closer to social needs in terms of curriculum setting and talent training mode, and business talent training tends to be international, personalized and innovative.


China Public Universities Internationalization

in Artificial Intelligence TOP 30

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The field of Artificial Intelligence is wide, including computer sciences, robotics, artificial intelligence, electronic information, and so on. Characterized by interdisciplinary diversity and intersection, artificial intelligence pays attention to the cultivation of students’ innovative and research capacities, and promotes the improvement of the professionalism and flexibility of the artificial intelligence through the curriculum of both theory and application. Because of its characteristics of wide coverage and application fields, artificial intelligence has become the trend of today's scientific and technological development. In recent years, it has been highly valued by the nation and universities, and is developing at a rapid pace.


China Public Universities Internationalization

in Medicine and Health TOP 30

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Medicine and Health is an emerging field with a high degree of internationalization and interdisciplinarity. It not only includes the study of the basic theories of medical health, but also includes scientific research and practical training, which is closely related to the health cooperation and development of the nation and even the world. Medicine and health pays attention to cultivating versatile talents who are good at communication and collaboration, and provides strong backup support for the nation’s health and medical undertakings.


China Public Universities Internationalization

 in Arts TOP 30

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Arts covers different artistic branches, such as art design, film, music, art, etc. It is a highly applied field with high requirements for students' art theory, professional technical ability and artistic achievements, and pays attention to the cultivation of students' creativity and exploration ability. The development of science and technology has expanded the living and development space of art. In recent years, art talents are constantly promoting the emergence of new art theory research and artistic achievements.


Evaluation system

Strength of university disciplines:

Double first-class construction disciplines-responding disciplines

The fourth round of discipline evaluation-appropriate disciplines

Competitiveness in internationalization:

Sino-foreign cooperative education-appropriate disciplines

Internationalization Awards:

The corresponding awards related to internationalization

Expert Review:

Academic reputation

Employer Evaluation

Student evaluation

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Nobel Prize Innovation Forum of China Universities

Kinglead will hold Nobel Prize Innovation Forum - The "Oscar Ceremony" of China Universities in June. Nobel Laureates, academicians and professors from Harvard University, University of Oxford, and University of Cambridge, as well as deans and presidents of well-known universities, will gather together to talk about the promotion of the university's international competitiveness and cultivation of innovative talents!

Scan the QR code to register for 2022 Nobel Prize Innovation Forum of China Universities now!

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Global Academician Forum and Youth Scientific Research Forum

Kinglead will hold the Global Academician Forum and Youth Scientific Research Forum in September, 2022. Academicians of national levels around the world will be invited to share their research experiences, making the forum a wonderful feast for the young participators, helping more schools cultivate their students with research literacy, and letting society emerge more young people with the literacy of international and innovative talents.

Scan the QR code to register for the 2022 Global Academician Forum and Youth Scientific Research Forum now!

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China Universities Internationalization  Ranking Series 

KingLead has published the China Universities Internationalization  Ranking Series  since 2018. KingLead has been conducting continuous and in-depth research and analysis on the competitiveness of Chinese universities in China, deeply exploring the characteristics of Chinese universities. KingLead is committed to optimizing evaluation standards of Chinese universities, facilitating industrial upgrading, aiming to enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese universities and promote the cultivation of international innovative talents.

In 2023, KingLead will publish the China Universities Internationalization  Ranking Series , scan the QR code to register for the 2023 China Universities Internationalization  Ranking Series !

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